Which Mattress is Best For A Strong Person?

Did you know that choosing the right mattress is essential for staying fit and healthy? Although most sleepers are aware of this issue, we notice that this importance is still too often neglected. There are many criteria to consider before taking action and finding the mattress that matches perfectly! In addition to the sleeping dimensions, the first thing to determine is your need for support. Your weight and body type are decisive. As such, the ideal choice of mattress for a strong person should already offer a good level of firmness to support him or her over the long term. Let's look at all of this in detail.

king size mattress

Why Choose A Mattress According To Your Morphology?
One of the most important criteria when choosing the right mattress is your build. Depending on your height and weight, it is obvious that the needs are not the same. 

When you get a good night's sleep, your body continues to work in the background. It helps you heal, regenerate and consolidate your memories. During this time, you unconsciously adopt sleep habits that you have developed for your comfort. 

Your body size is one of the many factors that influence these sleep routines, and it's one of the most important.

While your subconscious mind is managing physiological and mental processes, your body needs a proper sleep environment. It is essential to opt for a mattress that meets your needs and adapts to your morphology, otherwise your body will suffer the consequences.

In short, a well-adapted mattress not only helps to enjoy quality sleep, but also helps to prevent pain and improve overall health.

In addition, it should be noted that 40% of the body weight is usually concentrated in the pelvis. A poorly made or ill-fitting mattress is therefore likely to create uncomfortable pressure points in this area, especially for people with a large build. When you think of quality mattresses, you should definitely think about the specific support of the pelvis.

How To Choose A Mattress According To Your Size?
This non-exhaustive table gives you an indication of the different degrees of firmness to choose depending on your build. For taller people, who have a well-distributed weight, it seems logical that they can afford a slightly less firm mattress. This is true in some cases, especially if the person is very tall and relatively light. For example, a sleeper who is taller than 1.80 m and weighs less than 70 kg might find a medium-firm mattress or double bed mattress price check for more comfortable. 

However, let's take a detailed look at what the recommendations are for choosing a mattress, regardless of your weight and morphologies.

Choosing A Mattress For A Light Person
If you are a rather light person, weighing less than 60 kg, the priority is to find a mattress that offers sufficient support as well as good immersion for maximum comfort. 

A mattress that is too firm can lead to painful pressure points, especially if you sleep on your side. Rather medium-firm mattresses with soft sensations are particularly suitable. Often made of memory foam, they follow the contours of the body and distribute weight evenly. 

These mattresses typically offer a soft sleeping surface that helps prevent soreness and promotes restful sleep.

Choosing A Mattress For Medium Weight
People of average build, weighing between 60 and 80 kg, need a mattress that offers a good balance of support and comfort. 

Firm mattresses are therefore recommended. They should be flexible enough to fit the body's natural curves and firm enough to provide the necessary support.

Choosing A Mattress For Strong People
For people with a large build, often considered to weigh more than 90 kg, it is very important to choose a mattress that offers robust and durable support. Please note that this threshold can also vary depending on the size. Indeed, 90 kg spread over a person of 1.90 m will have a different impact on the mattress than on a person measuring 1.50 m. 

Depending on your needs and preferences, a firm or double bed mattress price check. It keeps you from sinking too deep and helps keep your spine aligned. 

If we recommend a quality mattress for everyone, this is all the more valid for the heaviest people. It is crucial to choose a mattress that is designed to withstand intensive use, that guarantees good longevity and constant comfort.

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